31 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ in the electro slag welding?
a) Finished weld
b) Base metal
c) Molten slag
d) Electrode
32 What is the limitation of electro slag welding?
a) Welding of very heavy plates
b) Welding of thin plates
c) Welding of round rods
d) Welding of pipes
33 Which welding process converts light energy into heat energy?
a) Electro slag welding
b) Thermit welding
c) Laser beam welding
d) Submerged Arc welding
34 Which welding process is used for butt joint of large round rods?
a) Electro gas welding
b) Thermit welding
c) Friction welding
d) Electro slag welding
35 Which welding process is used to weld aeronautic components?
a) Friction welding
b) Thermit welding
c) Laser beam welding
d) Submerged arc welding
36 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ in laser beam?
a) Focussing lens
b) Flash lamp
c) Ruby rod
d) Reflecting mirror
37 Which welding process converts the kinetic energy of the high speed electrons to heat?
a) Electron beam welding
b) Laser beam welding
c) Plasma arc welding
d) Submerged arc welding
38 Which welding process uses the key hole method to obtain full penetration?
a) Laser beam welding
b) Plasma arc welding
c) Electron beam welding
d) Submerged arc welding
39 What is the name of the part marked ‘X’ in the plasma arc welding?
a) Orifice dia
b) Resistor
c) Nozzle
d) Plasma gas
40 Which gas is used for plasma welding of carbon steel, titanium and zirconium materials?
a) Cop
b) Hydrogen
c) Helium
d) Argon
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