Reference Learning Outcome :-Secure information from Internet by using cyber security concept. (NOS: SSC/N9404)
Duration :- Professional Skill 20 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Cyber Security (10 Hrs)
Overview of Information Security, SSL, HTTPS, Security threats, information Security vulnerability and Risk management.
Introduction to Directory Services, Access Control, Security, Privacy protection, Audit and Security.
Introduction to IT Act and penalties for cybercrimes.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
138. Protect information, computers and networks from viruses, spyware and other malicious code (19 Hrs)
Explain Cyber security (2 Hrs)
Secure computers & the network (5.5 Hrs)
Reduce cyber security threats (2 Hrs)
Secure a Wi-Fi Network (4 Hrs)
Use Anti-Virus software (3 Hrs)
Perform back-ups of files, data & information (2.5 Hrs)
139. Explain compliance with IT Act (1 Hr)
Identify steps for information privacy. (0.5 Hrs)
Identify common cybercrimes and penalties applicable. (0.5 Hrs)
WEEK. NO. 33
Reference Learning Outcome :-Explain Cloud concepts &services and Describe Application Development Life Cycle. (NOS: SSC/N9405)
Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 15 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Introduction to Cloud Computing (12 Hrs)
Benefits of cloud services, different categories.
Resources available in cloud. Explain the Application Development Life Cycle (3 Hrs)
Identify Phases of the Application Development Life Cycle.
Describe Roles in each of phases of the Application Development Life Cycle.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
Cloud Computing (15 Hrs) Working with Cloud Services (12 Hrs)
140. Practice with IaaS using free cloud services. (4 Hrs)
141. Practice with PaaS using free cloud services. (4 Hrs)
142. Practice with SaaS using free cloud services. (4 Hrs) Web hosting in Cloud (3 Hrs)
143. Host a website in a free cloud. (3 Hrs) Develop an application and perform the Application Development Life Cycle (10 Hrs)
144. Identify Phases of the Application Development Life Cycle. (5 Hrs)
145. Describe Roles in each of the phases of Application Development Life Cycle. (5 Hrs)