To be selected either “Programming in Python” or “Programming in Java” as Elective Module for COPA.

You can choose one of them. 

WEEK. NO. 34

(Programming in Python )

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Write programs using Python language. ( NOS: SSC/N9406)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 70 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 30  Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    •  Introduction to Python History
    •  Features, Setting up path Basic Syntax, Comments, Variable
    •  Different Data Types
    •  Casting, string, Boolean
    •  Python Operators
    •  Conditional Statements
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 1. Install, set up the environment & run Python. (3 Hrs)
  • 2. Use Command Line and IDE to create and execute a python program. (4 Hrs)
    Perform Operations using Data Types and Operators (15 Hrs)
  • 3. Write and test a python program to demonstrate print statement, comments, different types of variables. (5 Hrs)
  • 4. Write and test a python program to perform data and data type operations, string operations, date, input and output, output formatting and operators. (5 Hrs)
  • 5. Determine the sequence of execution based on operator precedence. (5 Hrs)

WEEK. NO. 35

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Write programs using Python language. ( NOS: SSC/N9406)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 70 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 30  Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    •  Looping
    •  Control Statements, String Manipulation, Lists, Tuple, sets
    •  Dictionaries
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 6. Construct and analyze code segments that use branching statements. (10 Hrs)
    7. Construct and analyze code segments that perform iteration. (10 Hrs)

WEEK. NO. 36

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Write programs using Python language. ( NOS: SSC/N9406)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 70 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 30  Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    •  Arrays
    •  Iterators, modules, dates, math,
    •  Modules, Input and Output.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 8. Document code segments using comments and documentation strings. (3 Hrs)
  • 9. Construct and analyze code segments that include List comprehensions, tuple, set and Dictionary comprehensions. (16 Hrs)
    Perform Operations Using Modules and Tools (10 Hrs)
  • 10. Perform basic operations using built-in modules. (5 Hrs)
  • 11. Solve complex computing problems by using built-in modules. (5 Hrs)
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