41. Name the gas welding technique.
a) Vertical welding technique
b) Forward welding technique
c) Lefiward welding technique
d) Rightward welding technique
42. What is the groove angle marked X’ in welding joint?
a) 60°
b) 70°
c) 80°
d) 90°
43. Which factor causes the gas cutting fault?
a) Tip too close
b) Too slow cutting speed
c) Too high cutting speed
d) Correct cutting speed
44. Name the safety apparel –
a) Hand screen
b) Grinding shield
c) Welding helmet
d) Chipping shield
45. Name the polarity in welding set up –
46. Name the plates marked ‘x’-
a) Tack plates
b) Run on plates
c) Run off plates
d) RUN ON and RUN OFF plates
47. What is the purpose of normalizing?
a) Induce toughness
b) Soften the metal
c) Control distortion
d) Stress relieving
48. What is the purpose of tempering the steel in heat treatment?
a) Induce hardness
c) Regulate softness
b) Induce brittleness
d) Regulate hardness and toughtiess
49. What is the purpose of alloying elements that added in the metal?
a) Increase physical properties
b) Increase the mechanical properties
c) Decrease physical properties
d) Decrease the mechanical properties
50. Which type of flux coated electrode suitable for general purpose fabrication work?
a) Rutile electrode
b) Cellulosic electrode
c) Iron powder electrode
d) Basic coated electrode