WEEK. NO. 01
Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following safety precautions.[Basic fitting operation – marking, Hacksawing, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling, Taping, Threading and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133v1.0, PSC/NO132, PSC/NO134, PSC/NO135, PSC/ N9901 v 1.0)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 100 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 18 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Importance of safety and general precautions required for the trade.
- Importance of the trade.
- Types of work to be done by trainees in the institute.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 1. Importance of trade training, List of tools & Machinery used in the trade. (08hr)
- 2. Safety attitude development of the trainee by educating them to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). (5 hrs)
- 3. First Aid Method and basic training. (08hrs)
- 4. Safe disposal of waste materials like cotton waste, metal chips/burrs etc. (05hrs)
WEEK. NO. 02
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following safety precautions.[Basic fitting operation – marking, Hacksawing, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling, Taping, Threading and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133v1.0, PSC/NO132, PSC/NO134, PSC/NO135, PSC/ N9901 v 1.0)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 100 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 18 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Scope of a plumbing work.
- Types of services have to plan.
- Basic Bench fitting (04hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 6. Safety signs for Danger, Warning, caution & personal safety message. (06 hrs)
- 7. Preventive measures for electrical accidents & steps to be taken in such accidents. (04 hrs)
- 8. Use of Fire extinguishers. (7 hrs)
- 9. Practice and understand precautions to be followed while working in the trade. (04hrs)
- 10. Safe use of tools and equipment used in the trade. (1 hr)
WEEK. NO. 03 & 04
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan and organize the work to make job as per specification applying different types of basic fitting operation and Check for dimensional accuracy following safety precautions.[Basic fitting operation – marking, Hacksawing, Chiseling, Filing, Drilling, Taping, Threading and Grinding etc. Accuracy: ± 0.25mm] (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133v1.0, PSC/NO132, PSC/NO134, PSC/NO135, PSC/ N9901 v 1.0)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 100 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 18 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Plumber’s common hand tools – names, description and material from which they are made.
- Description, types and uses of holding device, hammers & cold chisels, cutting tools.
- Description of simple fitting operations hack sawing, punching and filing.
- Types of files used commonly.
- Marking instruments and their use of simple drilling machine.
- Method of using drills.
- Description of simple bench drilling Machine.
- Description of Grinding and Chisel.
- Description of different types of locking and fastening devices. (14 hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 11. Use Steel rule and Steel Tape for measuring, Use Scriber and Divider for marking on raw materials. (10hrs)
- 12. Demonstrate use of different types of Vice: – Bench vice, Pipe vice, Chain Vice, Hand vice, Chain Wrench. (20 hrs)
- 13. Demonstrate use of various Hand Tools: – Different Files, Hammer, Centre Punch, Hacksaw, Chisel, Callipers, Pipe Wrench, Stock & Dies, Taps and Holders. (20hrs)
WEEK. NO. 05
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Perform Inner & Outer Thread cutting on Metal & Studs and thread cutting on different types of pipes & fittings accessories. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 15 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 06. Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- About different types of pipes-GI, CI, DI, PVC/ CPVC, PPR and HDPE etc.
- About different Types of Pipe Fittings: – Socket, Elbow, Tee, Union, Bend, Cap, Plug, Cross, Ferrule etc.
- About different types of Thread cutting. (06hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 14. Thread Inner on M.S. flat by using Tap.(5 hrs)
- 15. Use various locking device.(5 hrs)
- 16. Outer thread on Pipe by using Die. (3 hrs)
- 17. Fixing of different Pipe fittings in different position of Pipe. (2 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 06
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Carry out cutting of Pipes of Different dia in different angle and Joining of pipes by gas welding, Soldering and Brazing. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 20 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 08 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Gas Welding :-
Purpose of Gas welding.
Method of gas welding
Safety precautions to be observed -Methods of soldering and brazing -fluxes used & Types of fluxes precautions to be observed.
Hard & soft solders -their properties, composition and uses.
- Gas Welding :-
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 18. Cutting different diameter of MS pipes in different angles. (10 hrs)
- 19. Joining of Pipe in same dia by gas welding. (05hrs)
- 20. Joining of Pipes in different dia by gas welding. (05hrs)
WEEK. NO. 07
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Construct Masonry brick wall and RCC casting. Brick wall cutting for concealing pipe line. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133, PSC/NO134, PSC/NO134)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 35 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 08 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Mason’s works :-
Names and description of Mason’s hand tools and their uses.
Method of making holes in walls and floors.
Types of tools used and various Processes.
Concept of bricks, lime and cement.
Preparation of mortars with various materials of varying composition.
Common brick joints.
Description of bonds.
Scaffolding &plastering.
Define Plain cement concrete, RCC and its proportion,
- Mason’s works :-
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 21. Demonstrate proper handling of Mason’s hand tools: – Straight edge, Spirit level, Plumb bob, Square, Trowel etc. (5 hrs)
- 22. Setting out work with Tape, Rule, Square, Line pin and level as per drawing. (5hrs)
- 23. Prepare Cement mortars in different proportions to suit various purposes. (5 hrs)
- 24. Prepare Plane Cement Concrete and RCC in different proportions to suit various purposes. (5 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 08
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Construct Masonry brick wall and RCC casting. Brick wall cutting for concealing pipe line. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133, PSC/NO134, PSC/NO134)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 35 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 08 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Grades of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate,
Knowledge of waterproofing compound.
Knowledge of Building Plan and Cross section of wall.
Identify plumbing services required for each type of building according to usage. (08hrs)
- Grades of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate,
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 25. Benching and Channelling of base plate. ( 5hrs)
- 26. Damp proofing. (2 hrs)
- 27. Plastering the walls. (3 hrs)
- 28. Cutting of Masonry wall for concealing with Electric Cutting Tools. (5 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 09
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Carry out Cutting and Bending of Pipes using Plumber’s tools and equipment. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 40 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Description of plumber tools and Equipment- Ratchet brace, Threading die, Pipe wrench, sliding wrench,Spanner set, Chain Wrench etc. and their safety.
- Care & use of tools.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 29. Demonstrate proper handling of Plumber’s Tools & Equipment. (05hrs)
- 30. Use and care of Plumber’s Tools and Equipment. (05hrs)
- 31. Cutting of G.I Pipes of different Diameter and Sizes by cutting tools. (05hrs)
- 32. Cutting of C.I Pipe of different Diameter and Sizes by cutting tools. (05hrs)
WEEK. NO. 10
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Carry out Cutting and Bending of Pipes using Plumber’s tools and equipment. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 40 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Method of Pipe bending in different dia.
- Plumbing Symbols and Code for Tools & Materials on water line. (10hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 33. Cutting of all kinds of PVC Pipe of different Diameter and Sizes by cutting tools. (05 hrs)
- 34. Bending of G.I Pipe as per drawing using Bending Machine up to 50 mm dia. (10 hrs)
- 35. Bending of PVC Pipe as per drawing using heat process up to 50 mm dia. (5 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 11
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Join Various type of PVC pipe by heat process or Welding. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 08 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Equipment and tools for hot gas welding and electric hot plate for PPR pipe joints. (08hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 36. Preparation of PVC pipe & Fittings in different dia. (1 hr)
- 37. Preparation and precaution of Electric Hot Plate. (1hr)
- 38. PVC Pipe welding various dia, using welding machine. (13hrs)
- 39. Weld various type of PVC Pipe with various dia, using welding machine. (5hrs)
- 40. PPR pipe welding joint various dia of pipe using welding machine.(5hrs)
WEEK. NO. 12
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Construct complete pipe line circuit with different types of Joints and fixing Cocks & valve on Pipe line. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 08 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Types of fittings for different joints & different pipes.: – CI,HCI,AC,AC Pressure, DI, GI Pipes. Joints: – Flange joint, Socket joint with lead, Detachable joint, Socket & Spigot joints etc.
- Description of pipe fittings.
- Methods of joining and their uses.
- Precautions to be taken while fixing (08hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 41. CI/HCI Pipe Flange joint with Bend and Tee. (5hrs)
- 42. Socket joint of CI Pipes with lead. (5 hrs)
- 43. Detachable joint of AC pressure Pipe. (5 hrs)
- 44. Titan/Socket & Spigot joint of Ductile Iron (DI) Pipe with Rubber ring.(4hrs)
- 45. Prepare and Study the drawing of Pipe line circuit and schedule use of Tools and accessories.(2hrs)
- 46. Make a Pipe line circuit on GI Pipe with Socket, Elbow, Bend, Flange, Tee, Union etc. And Fixing Cocks & Valves as per drawing. (4hrs)
WEEK. NO. 13
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Carry out Cutting of Different Types of PVC Pipe, joining and laying. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 06 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Different kinds of Joints, Fittings and Materials in joining pipes: – PVC/CPVC, PPR and HDPE etc.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 47. PVC pipe cutting & shaping in various dia, using Hacksaw and Pipe cutters. (10 hrs)
- 48. Preparation of PVC pipe and Fittings with emery paper. (5hrs)
- 49. Use & fixing of PVC fittings use Solvent Cement etc. (5hrs)
- 50. Layout of PVC pipe according to drawing. (5hrs)
WEEK. NO. 14
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Perform Water analysis test, Water Pressure test and Water distribution system by using Pipe line. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 06 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Composition of Water: –
Sources of water
Hard & Soft water, temporary hardness &permanent hardness.
Impurities of water – organic and inorganic impurities.
Water purification stages and methods.
Static water pressures and measurement of pressures. Bursting pressure,
Expansion of water on freezing and heating.
Bernoulli’s principles
Pascal’s law.
Pressure of water on the sides of cistern or tank.
Water hammer in pipes.
Description and working of water hammer arrester. (08hrs)
- Composition of Water: –
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 51. Preparation of Water and Water analysis kit. (1 hr)
- 52. Water Analysis Test by Analysis Kits. pH, TDS, Temperature etc. (4hrs)
- 53. Preparation of Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine. (1 hr)
- 54. Static water pressure test by Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine apply on Plastic Water bottle. (4hrs)
- 55. Static water pressure test by Hydraulic Pressure Test Machine apply on Cistern and Tank. (4hrs)
- 56. Steps of simple pipe line connection as per drawing. (3 hrs)
- 57. Make a pipe line for water distribution as per drawing. (4hrs)
- 58. Make a pipe line for OHR water distribution system as per drawing. (02hrs)
- 59. Installation of water hammer arrester. (02 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 15
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Align and lay humid pipe line of different dia. and fitting & maintenance of drainage pipe line. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 45 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- • Use of hummed pipes of different sizes.
• Method of laying out pipes alignment and joining. (05hrs)
- • Use of hummed pipes of different sizes.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 60. Interpret drawing of sanitary plumbing. (08hrs)
- 61. Lay & align hummed pipe. (05hrs)
- 62. Demonstrate use of specific dia in different location. (04hrs)
WEEK. NO. 16
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Align and lay humid pipe line of different dia. and fitting & maintenance of drainage pipe line. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 45 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Description of various pipe joints- straight, Branch, Taft and blow, Expansion joints. Solders and fluxes used in joints. (05hrs)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 63. Use various sanitary fitting. (06 hrs)
- 64. Use various fitting of different materials. (06 hrs)
- 65. Use joining materials of pipe. (10 hrs)
- 66. Join pipe as per laid down Procedure. (06 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 17
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Install and maintain different Electric pumps. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 60 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- • Description of Plumber’s materials Lead, tin, Zinc, solder, copper, red lead etc. and their uses.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 67. Demonstrate use of different pump. (10 hrs)
- 68. Demonstrate installation of electric pump (10 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 18
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Install and maintain different Electric pumps. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 60 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Water supply system of a small town.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 69. Demonstrate maintenance of electric pump. (10 hrs)
- 70. Demonstrate working process of centrifugal, reciprocating, submersible pump. (15 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 19
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Install and maintain different Electric pumps. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 60 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Description and types of pumps viz. suction pump, Centrifugal pump etc. Contamination of water in a well.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 71. Demonstrate delivery of water to overhead tank through pump, presser head, delivery pipe, suction pipe, etc, (15 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 20
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Join fittings for different purposes on PVC pipe line. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 30 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 6 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- • Description of pipe dies, their uses, care and precaution.
• Metric specification of various pipes.
• Standard pipe threads.
- • Description of pipe dies, their uses, care and precaution.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 72. Produce BSP thread on pipe. (05 hrs)
- 73. Produce Internal and external thread on PVC pipes of different dia. (05 hrs)
- 74. Join PVC pipe with thread. (05hrs)
WEEK. NO. 21
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Join fittings for different purposes on PVC pipe line. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 30 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 6 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- • Method employed for bending, Joining and fixing PVC pipe.
- • Joining material for water and gas pipes.
- Use of blow lamp.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 75. Join PVC pipe with solvent cement and heat process(05hrs)
- 76. Join PVC pipe as per layout. (10hrs)
WEEK. NO. 22
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Construct inspection chamber, manhole, gutter, septic tank, socket etc. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 7 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Inspection chamber, septic tank, description of drains, cesspools, soak pits etc.
- • Types of traps
- • layout of drainage system
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 77. Demonstrate inspection chamber, manhole, gully trap, septic tank, soak pit. (04 hrs)
- 78. Construct inspection chambers, cesspool, septic tank, soak pit etc. (21 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 23
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Test pipe line as per site drainage pipe line layout. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO135)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25. Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 5. Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Method of bending pipes by hot and cold process.
• Method of testing drainage lines (05hrs)
- Method of bending pipes by hot and cold process.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 79. Demonstrate drawing layout of drainage pipe line. (06 hrs)
- 80. Perform testing for smoke test, water test, smell test, ball test mirror test. (10 hrs)
- 81. Join heavy cast iron socket pipe. (03 hrs)
- 82. Sealing of heavy cast iron pipe joint with lead & caulking tools. (06 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 24
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Perform removal of leakage in pipe line. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 04 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Method of dismantling and renewal of the valves and pipes.
- Leaks in pipes and noises in plumbing.
- Installation of water meters. Air lock in pipes and its removal.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 83. Identify location of leakage pipe. (06 hrs)
- 84. Removing out leakages pipe. (10 hrs)
- 85. Removing of air locks (06 hrs)
- 86. Demonstrate rain water harvesting system. (03 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 25 & 26
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Install, fix & maintain different valve & cock and sensor system of sanitary fittings. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO136)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 75 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Description of cocks & valves-their types, materials & advantages for particular work.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 87. Demonstrate different cocks & valves including materials. (10 hrs)
- 88. Employ cocks & valves at different place. (20 hrs)
- 89. Employ different cock& valve with sensor system. (20 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 27
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Install, fix & maintain different valve & cock and sensor system of sanitary fittings. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO136)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 75 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Sensor system for urinals and wash basin etc.(
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 90. Demonstrate maintenance of different cocks & valves. (15 hrs)
- 91. Demonstrate use of packing washer gasket of different cock & valve. (10 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 28, 29 & 30
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Install & maintain water meter and water supply for different fixtures. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 75 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 14 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Erecting rain water and drainage pipe system,
• Installation of sanitary fitting s, inspection and testing of water supply system.
• -Pipe alignment and slope. -Prevention of water hammer.
• Storage tanks for general water supply propose.
• Test for water supply pipes.
• Description of sanitary fittings,
• general points to be observed when choosing sanitary. - Description of concealed flushing cistern
- Erecting rain water and drainage pipe system,
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 92. Demonstrate location of meter. Fitting of water meter, bath tub, wash basin. (10 hrs)
- 93. Install water metre, bath tub, hand wash basin, water closet urinal, sink etc with sensor system. (20 hrs)
- 94. Demonstrate maintenance of water metre, bath tub, hand wash basin, water closet urinal, sink etc. (15 hrs)
- 95. Demonstrate testing of water metre, Bath Tub, Hand wash basin. (10 hrs)
- 96. Demonstrate rain water and drainage pipe system. (10 hrs)
- 97. Installation of concealed flushing cistern. (10 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 31 & 32
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Demonstrate method of bending for different materials & different pipe joint. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 50 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 05 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Method of bending galvanized mand other heavy pipes.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 98. Demonstrate bending of pipes in bending machine. (08 hrs)
- 99. Bend GI pipe of different diameter in different angle. (14 hrs)
- 100. Bend G.I. pipe as per drawing and measurement. (14 hrs)
- 101. Bend PVC pipe of different diameter in different angle with dry sand by heating. (14 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 33 & 34
Reference Learning Outcome :-Perform fitting and maintenance of Fixture at different place. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO136)
Duration :- Professional Skill 50 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 05 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Domestic drainage system:
- General layout, one pipe system, specifications of Materials required.
- Method of testing leakage.
- Different types of traps, ventilation, anti-syphonage and sinks.
- About Fire hydrants and their fittings.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 102. Demonstrate process of C.I pipe cutting & joining. (12 hrs)
- 103. Process of C.I. pipe fitting for waste pipe line in different section. (08 hrs)
- 104. Employ Process of fixing of external soil pipe. (12 hrs)
- 105. Demonstrate process of fixing of rain water gutter outlet and ground pipe. (10hrs)
- 106. Demonstrate process of measurement of waste pipe line. (08 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 35
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Carry out fitting, fixing & laying installation of hot & cold water pipe line and symbolizing. (Mapped NOS:PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 06 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Concept of heat and Temperature.
- Method of transmission of heat.
- Heating system by different thermal units.
- Domestic hot and cold water.
- General layout, specification of materials required and Connection of pipes to mains.
- Tracing leakage.
- Repairs to service main.
- Domestic boilers and Geysers.
- Method of ventilating pipe.
- Precaution against air Poisoning.
- Fixing of solar water system.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 107. Demonstrate working of solar water heating system. (02 hrs)
- 108. Analyse temperature of water (hot and cold). (02 hrs)
- 109. Layout pipe line for hot and cold water distribution as per drawing. (04 hrs)
- 110. Install pipe line for distribution of hot & cold water. (08 hrs)
- 111. Install hot water system & solar water heating system. (08 hrs)
- 112. Symbolise distribution of hot & cold water pipe line. (01 hr)
WEEK. NO. 36
Reference Learning Outcome :-Perform repairing & reconditioning of waste pipe line. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 06 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Plumbing and sanitary symbols and plumbing codes for all tools and materials
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 113. Perform repairing of different trap, valve, cistern etc. (03 hrs)
- 114. Demonstrate construction of over head tank as per measurement. (08 hrs)
- 115. Maintenance and recondition pipe line. (10 hrs)
- 116. Perform smoke test far waste pipe line. (04 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 37
Reference Learning Outcome :-Perform repairing& reconditioning, scraping & painting of sanitary fittings pipe line. (Mapped NOS: PSC/NO133)
Duration :- Professional Skill 20 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 02 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Corrosion – causes and remedies, prevention.
- Corrosion due to electrolytic action.
- Effect of water and frost on materials.
- Layout of pipes as per drawing.
- Analysis quantity measurement and abstract rate of plumbing and sanitary work.
Bill of Quantity and Estimation :- - Preparation of bill of quantity
- Preparation of Estimation
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 117. Demonstrate cleaning of sanitary pipe line. (02 hrs)
- 118. Perform cleaning of sanitary pipe line. (02hrs)
- 119. Remove corrosion from pipe line. (02hrs)
- 120. Demonstrate scraping & painting. (02 hrs)
- 121. Perform scraping & painting of pipe line. (02hrs)
- 122. Maintenance of broken or cracked sanitary fitting. (05 hrs)
- 123. Estimate and work out abstract cost of plumbing work as per drawing/layout. (05 hrs)
Engineering Drawing (For 1st Year ): 40 Hrs.
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Read and apply engineering drawing for different application in the field of work. CSC/N9401.
Duration :- Professional Knowledge E.D. – 40 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
- Introduction to Engineering Drawing and Drawing Instruments–
- Conventions
- Sizes and layout of drawing sheets
- Title Block, its position and content
- Drawing Instrument
- Free hand drawing of–
- Geometrical figures and blocks with dimension
- Transferring measurement from the given object to the sketches.
- Free hand drawing of hand tools and measuring tools.
- Drawing of Geometrical figures:
- Angle, Triangle, Circle, Rectangle, Square, Parallelogram.
- Reading of dimension and Dimensioning Practice.
- Symbolic representation–
- Different symbols and Pipe joints used in the trade.
- Reading of layout plan drawing in piping
Reference Learning Outcome :-Demonstrate basic mathematical concept and principles to perform practical operations. Understand and explain basic science in the field of study. CSC/N9401
Duration :- Professional Knowledge WCS – 32 Hrs (for above learning out come)
- Unit, Fractions
Classification of unit system
Fundamental and Derived units F.P.S, C.G.S, M.K.S and SI units
Measurement units and conversion
Factors, HCF, LCM and problems
Fractions – Addition, substraction, multiplication & division
Decimal fractions – Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division
Solving problems by using calculator - Square root, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage
Square and square root - Simple problems using calculator
Applications of Pythagoras theorem and related problems
Ratio and proportion
Ratio and proportion – Direct and indirect proportions
Percentage – Changing percentage to decimal and fraction - Material Science
Types metals, types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
Physical and mechanical properties of metals
Properties and uses of insulating materials - Mass, Weight, Volume and Density
Mass, volume, density, weight and specific gravity.
Related problems for mass, volume, density, weight and specific gravity - Heat & Temperature and Pressure
Concept of heat and temperature, effects of heat, difference between heat and temperature, boiling point & melting point of different metals and non-metals
Scales of temperature, Celsius, Fahrenheit, kelvin and conversion between scales of temperature - Basic Electricity
Introduction and uses of electricity, molecule, atom, how electricity is produced, electric current AC, DC their comparison, voltage, resistance and their units - Mensuration
Area and perimeter of square, rectangle and parallelogram
Area and perimeter of Triangles
Area and perimeter of circle, semi-circle, circular ring, sector of circle, hexagon and ellipse
Surface area and volume of solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere and hollow cylinder
Finding the lateral surface area, total surface area and capacity in litres of hexagonal, conical and cylindrical shaped vessels - Trigonometry
Measurement of angles
Trigonometrical ratios