1. Up milling is also called conventional milling.
A. Agree
B. Disagree
2. Fixtures are used
A. for holding and guiding the tool in drilling, reaming or tapping operations
B. for holding the work in milling, grinding, planing or turning operations
C. to check the accuracy of workpiece
D. none of the above
3. In ultra-sonic machining, tool is made of
A. tungsten carbide
B. brass or copper
C. diamond
D. stainless steel
4. Ceramic tools has greater tool life than carbide tools.
A. True
B. False
5. The rake angle of a single point cutting tool corresponds to __________ of a twist drill.
A. lip clearance angle
B. helix angle
C. point angle
D. chisel edge angle
6. A tool used to withdraw a drill from the sleeve is called
A. drill remover
B. drill puller
C. drift
D. drill drawer
7. The cutting fluid mostly used for machining steel is
A. water
B. soluble oil
C. dry
D. heavy oils
8. The lip angle is the angle
A. between the tool face and the ground end surface of flank
B. made by the face of the tool and the plane parallel to the base of the cutting tool
C. between the face of the tool and a line tangent to the machined surface at the cutting point
D. none of the above
9. Small nose radius
A. increases tool life
B. decreases tool life
C. produces chipping and decreases tool life
D. results in excessive stress concentration and greater heat generation
10. The operation of producing grooves around the periphery of a cylindrical or conical workpiece is called
A. profile milling
B. gang milling
C. saw milling
D. helical milling
11. As the cutting speed increases, the tool cutting forces
A. remain constant
B. increases
C. decreases
D. first increases and then decreases
12. Crater wear leads to
A. increase in cutting temperature
B. weakening of tool
C. friction and cutting forces
D. all of these
13. The addition of lead, sulphur and phosphorus to low carbon steels, help to
A. reduce built up edge
B. break up chips
C. improve machinability
D. all of these
14. The relation between the tool life (T) in minutes and cutting speed (V) in m/min is (where n = An exponent, which depends upon the tool and workpiece, and C = A constant)
A. VnT = C
B. VTn = C
C. Vn/T = C
D. V/Tn = C
15. The width of cutting edge of a parting-off tool varies from
A. 3 to 12 mm
B. 5 to 20 mm
C. 8 to 30 mm
D. 15 to 40 mm
16. The grinding of long, slender shafts or bars is usually done by
A. infeed grinding
B. through feed grinding
C. endfeed grinding
D. any one of these
17. In centreless grinding, work place centre will be
A. above the line joining the two wheel centres
B. below the line joining the two wheel centres
C. on the line joining the two wheel centres
D. at the intersection of the line joining the wheel centres with the work place plane
18. Tool life is measured by the
A. number of pieces machined between tool sharpenings
B. time the tool is in contact with the job
C. volume of material removed between tool sharpenings
D. all of the above
19. Soft materials can not be economically ground due to
A. high temperature involved
B. frequent wheel clogging
C. rapid wheel wear
D. low work piece stiffness
20. The process of removing metal by a cutter which is rotated in the same direction of travel of workpiece, is called
A. up milling
B. down milling
C. face milling
D. end milling