431. Which paint defects occurs when the spray gun is hold far from the surface?
(c)Dry spray
(d)Dirt inclusions
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432.Which paint will be affected by mottling defect?
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433. Which painting defects occurs if the viscosity of the paint is low?
(d)Run down
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434.How to repair a cracking defect surface?
(a)Apply primer and repaint
(b)Remove finish coat from affected area, apply primer/sealer and then repaint
(c)Apply thick paint on it
(d)Apply thick surface on it
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435.Which color defect occurs due to excessive humidity in the climate?
(a)Run down
(c)Dry spray
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436.What should be done for incorrect coating system applied on automotive body? (a)Remove all incorrect coating and apply correct coating
(b)Sand all incorrect coating and apply car polish
(c)Apply thick paint on it and apply car polish
(d)Apply thick surface on it and paint the surface
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437.How to repair LOSS OF GLOSS from a painted surface?
(a)Apply thinner by spray and repaint the surface
(b)Use fine polishing and finish with high-gloss polish
(c)Remove all coating and repainting
(d)Repaint surface
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438.What is the color fading of paint?
(a)Increase in color of painted surface
(b)Decrease in gloss of painted surface
(c)Increase of gloss of painted surface
(d)A gradual loss of color from painted surface
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439.Which color defect occurs due to excessive use of putty or very thick coat of paint?
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440.Which method is best for removing minor scratches from painted surface of a car?
(a)Sanding on scratched surface and repaint
(b)Apply auto paint polish by rubbing with mulmul cloth or electric car polishing machine
(c)Wash the surface with water
(d)Scrap on scratched surface and repaint it
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441.What is the use of rubbing compound material?
(a)For car sanding
(b)For car polishing
(c)For car painting
(d)For car touch up
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442.How the rubbing compound affect on the finish coat?
(a)The finish coat shines and the top coat is marginally cut
(b)The finish coat damages
(c)The finish coat looks white
(d)The finish coat looks dull
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443.What is the use of liquid compound?
(a)To shine a painted surface
(b)To the extra shining on painted surface after wax polishing and UV protection
(c)To sand a painted surface
(d)To level a painted surface
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444.What happens when wax pol is applied on painted surface?
(a)Hide pinholes from the surface
(b)Painted surface becomes matte
(c)Painted surface shines
(d)Painted surface get leveled
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445.Where polishing is done?
(a)On top coat
(b)On primer coat
(c)On surface coat
(d)On putty coat
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446.Which instrument is used to check gloss of paint after polishing?
(a) Elcometer
(b)Gloss meter
(c)DFT meter
(d)Resistivity meter
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447.Which colour is formed by mixing yellow and blue?
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448.Which colors are known as cool colors?
(a)Green Blue White
(b)Black Violet Green
(c)Violet Blue Black
(d)Blue Green Violet
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449.Which colour is formed by mixing red and yellow?
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450.What is known as black and white colour?
(a)Hue colours
(b)Harmony colours
(c)Supporting colours
(d)Primary colours
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