
211 . As technology advances, the way we work shall ————-
A. ) Last
B.) undergo changes
C.) remain as it is
D.) refuse to change

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212 . Maintaining the quality of something at a certain level is called —————-
A. ) communication
B.) problem solving
C.) sustainability
D.) interaction

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213 . For career growth and ———— we need to build————–
A. ) skills, sustainability
B.) skills bridges
C.) sustainability, dams
D.) sustainability, new skills

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214 . If we want to sustain the ———– we should not—————it.
A. ) pollute, sustainable
B.) environment, pollution
C.) environment, pollute
D.) environment, sustainable

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215 . A person can get promotions based on their……………….and ……………
A. ) environment, experience
B.) example, qualifications
C.) qualifications, experience
D.) None

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216 . Only when we learn to …………….how work will be done in the future, we can……………….. ourselves for those changes.
A. ) prepare, predicted
B.) predicted, prepared
C.) predicted, prepare
D.) predict, prepare

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217 . Successful change is a combination of ——- and ——– aspects.
A. ) technics, future
B.) future, designing
C.) designing, deliver
D.) technical, human

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218 . The work undertaken by a person for a period of time is called —————-
A. ) job
B.) career
C.) planning
D.) expert

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219 . Any task or piece of work for which a person gets paid for is called a    —————-
A. ) Career
B.) projection
C.) job
D.) plan

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220 . When a carpenter makes a wooden chair and gets paid for it, it is his—————-
A. ) plan
B.) joy
C.) job
D.) career

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221 . When you want to know what to do in your professional life, what skills and knowledge are required to do it, you are actually doing  —————-
A. ) job
B.) career
C.) career role
D.) career planning

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222 . Career is like a long train journey where ———————–are the many stations, many stops, many changes in routes.”
A. ) plans
B.) jobs
C.) grows
D.) Dreams

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223 . A ————— is one of the ways to reach your —————–goal.
A. ) job, career
B.) career, job
C.) patience, career
D.) train, career

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224 . ————– are realistic targets that you will set for yourself in order to achieve your career goal.
A. ) Resource
B.) status
C.) descriptions
D.) milestones

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225 . The materials and support that you need to complete your milestones on time is called  —————-
A. ) Timelines
B.) resources
C.) status
D.) descriptions

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226 . Setting up date for completing each milestone is called  —————-
A. ) descriptions
B.) resource
C.) timeline
D.) None

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227 . We need to have —————- when market trends change or when our current job no longer exists.
A. ) career paths
B.) models
C.) alternative careers
D.) payment

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228 . When you know how to stitch a garment by hand, learning how to do it using a machine is called —————-
A. ) career
B.) employment
C.) upskilling
D.) learning

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229 . Many companies provide upskilling opportunities through —————-
A. ) On the job training (OJT. & certification courses
B.) wages
C.) payment
D.) trade

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230 . Trying new things and finding new ways to do old things is called    —————-
A. ) negotiation
B.) collaboration
C.) innovation
D.) Communication

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231 . We…………..in a proper way so that we may reach a profitable and healthy compromise.
A. ) collaborate
B.) negotiate
C.) innovate
D.) elevate

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232 . Thinking in a smart way by questioning the information you receive so that you are not fooled by fake news is called   —————-
A. ) negotiation
B.) innovation
C.) career
D.) critical thinking

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233 . The ability to adapt to fast changes is    —————-
A. ) innovation
B.) negotiation
C.) collaboration
D.) adaptability

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234 . When we work with others, it is called—————-
A. ) innovation
B.) career
C.) collaboration
D.) Decision-making

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235 . New technologies have changed the way we work. Hence, irrespective of one’s ——–, learning …………is important to work in an …………… manner.
A. ) Efficient, jobnew skills
B.) new skills, efficient, job
C.) job, efficient, new skills
D.) job, new skills, efficient

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236 . A person who learns new things related to his/her career and is up-to-date with latest industrial developments has —————-
A. ) stalled mindset
B.) growth mindset
C.) collaboration
D.) communication

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237 . A person who does not take necessary steps to learn new skills even when there is threat of losing his/her job is —————-
A. ) open-minded
B.) not open-minded
C.) adaptable
D.) inefficient

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238 . The process of learning a completely new set of skills to perform a different type of a job is    —————-
A. ) upskilling
B.) reskilling
D.) Apprenticeship

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239 . If a woodcutter who so far used simple axe learns to use an electric axe, the woodcutter is ————-
A. ) reskilling
B.) career
C.) critical
D.) upskilling

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240 . . Information like what kind of jobs are in demand is known through —————-
A. ) economy of the world
B.) market trends based on the economy
C.) pre-computer era
D.) career

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