Reference Learning Outcome :- Make different gauges with close tolerance limit and check accuracy with different gauges. [Different gauges: – snap gauge, ring gauge; tolerance limit- (H7/h7); Checking gauges- ring, plug] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 86 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 25 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Gauges-feeler, taper gauge radius, plug, ring snap (fixed and adjustable) and slip their description use care and maintenance.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
113. Grind Snap gauge in close limit to H6. (25 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 13
Reference Learning Outcome :- Make different gauges with close tolerance limit and check accuracy with different gauges. [Different gauges: – snap gauge, ring gauge; tolerance limit- (H7/h7); Checking gauges- ring, plug] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 86 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 25 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Inside micrometer depth gauge, special types of micrometers,universal dial test indicator their construction and function
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
114. Perform grinding on cylindrical taper using standards ring gauges. (19 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 14
Reference Learning Outcome :- Make different gauges with close tolerance limit and check accuracy with different gauges. [Different gauges: – snap gauge, ring gauge; tolerance limit- (H7/h7); Checking gauges- ring, plug] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 86 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 25 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Special type of grinding machine centreless, thread crankshaft etc. their description, use care and maintenance.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
115. Perform grinding of ring gauge using plug gauge. (20 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 15
Reference Learning Outcome :- Make different gauges with close tolerance limit and check accuracy with different gauges. [Different gauges: – snap gauge, ring gauge; tolerance limit- (H7/h7); Checking gauges- ring, plug] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 86 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 25 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Essential mechanism of grinding machines, wheel is guards to IS: 1991-1962 machine guards etc.
Process of cleaning and oiling at grinding machines (care and Maintenance) types of steady rests their description and use
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
116. Grinding long cylindrical using steady rest to close limit of h6. (22 hrs)