Questions: Level 2

1. Calculate the cutting speed used for drilling a 20 mm dia meter hole in a mild steel work piece with a rpm of 399?
A 20 m / min
B 25 m / min
C 30 m / min
D 35 m / min

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2 Calculate the rpm for drilling a hole of dia meter 16 mm on cast iron with a cutting speed 30 m / minute?
A 497 rpm
B 597 rpm
C 697 rpm
D 797 rpm

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3 What is the function of thumb lever of vernier caliper?
A For getting least count
B To take internal measurement
C To take external measurement
D To set vernier slide at any position

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4 Why the extreme care should be taken while handling vernier calliper?
A Measuring instrument
B Indirect measuring instrument
C Precision instrument
D Semi precision instrument

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5 What is the least count in a vernier caliper if 9 main scale divisions (9mm) are divided in to 10 equal parts in the vernier scale?
A 0.02 mm
B 0.05 mm
C 0.10 mm
D 0.20 mm

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6 What is the least count of a vernier caliper if 19 main scale divisions (19 mm) are divided into 20 equal parts in the vernier scale?
A 0.01 mm
B 0.02 mm
C 0.05 mm
D 0.10 mm

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7 What is the reading shown in the vernier calliper? (Least count = 0.02 mm)

A 0.6056 mm
B 6.056 mm
C 6.56 mm
D 60.56 mm

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8 What is the reading of the vernier caliper?

A 6.640
B 6.680
C 66.40
D 66.90

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9 What is the use of outside micrometer?
A For depth measurement
B For angular measurements
C For internal measurements
D For external measurements

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10 What is the mechanism used in a micrometer?
A Lever mechanism
B Thread mechanism
C Spring mechanism
D Plunger mechanism

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11 What is the function of ratchet stop in a micro meter?
A Increases accuracy
B Strengthen the spindle
C Ensure uniform pressure
D Keeps high pressure on anvil

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12 Which gap from spindle face is considered as the reading of outside micrometer?
A Anvil
B Frame
C Barrel
D Thimble

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13 What is the least count of the micrometer if the circumference of thimble is divided into 50 division and the pitch of thread is 0.5 mm?
A 0.001 mm
B 0.010 mm
C 0.020 mm
D 0.050 mm

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14 What is the reading of micrometer range of 0 TO 25?

A 13.13 mm
B 13.63 mm
C 13.93 mm
D 13.99 mm

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15 What is the reading of vernier micrometer?

A 15.225 mm
B 16.233 mm
C 15.235 mm
D 16.235 mm

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16 Which instrument is used for comparing and determining the variation in the size of compared?
A Micrometer
B Vernier caliper
C Combination set
D Dial test indicator

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17 What mechanism is used to convert linear motion of plunger to rotary motion of pointer in D.T.I?
A Back gear mechanism
B Rack and pinion mechanism
C Can and following mechanism
D Worm and worm wheel mechanism

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18 How does a lever type dial test indicator make the pointer rotation?
A Back gear mechanism
B Rack and pinion mechanism
C Lever and scroll mechanism
D Worm and worm wheel mechanism

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19 What is the purpose of ‘T’ slots in the dial test indicator stand?

A Direction of use
B To set zero here
C Provision of ring bezel
D Provision to insert in clamps

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20 How does the concentricity of shafts can be checked?
A Using centre gauge
B Using vernier caliper
C Using combination set
D Using dial test indicator

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21 What is the maximum size of hole that can be drilled using a up right drilling machine?
A φ 20 mm
B φ 25 mm
C φ 32 mm
D φ 50 mm

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22 Which type of drilling machine have a table with sliding motion in two direction, 90° to each other?
A Portable drilling machine
B Sensitive drilling machine
C Box – column type piller drilling machine
D Round column type piller drilling machine

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23 What is the purpose of ‘depth stop’ in a drilling machine?
A To drill big holes
B To flush out chips
C To measure hole depth
D To control the down ward movement of drill spindle

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24 Which one of the following operation is used to bevel the mouth of a drilled hole.
A Reaming
B Spot facing
C Counter boring
D Counter sinking

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25 What is the purpose of counter sinks with pilot?
A For rough works
B Light duty works
C Medium size holes
D To align with drilled hole

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Questions: Level 3

1. What will happen, if reamer is removing out in anticlockwise direction while reaming?
A Good surface finish
B Good dimension accuracy
C Rough surface
D Scratched surface

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2 What is the bevelling angle for holes to be threaded?
A 75°
B 120°
C 90°
D 80°

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3 What is the effect while measuring if ratchet stop is not provided on micrometer?
A Incorrect reading
B Least count increases
C Least count decreases
D Increases the life of micro meter

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