Reference Learning Outcome :-Set up cylindrical grinder for automatic movement to perform different cylindrical grinding operation using different machine accessories and check accuracy [Different cylindrical grinding:- straight parallel, taper, bush eccentric; Different machine accessories: – steady rest, chuck face plate, angle plate and check accuracy limit ±0.02 mm] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 200 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 30 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Holding devices such as jig and fixture angle plates ‘V’ blocks etc. their description and uses.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
73. Grind an eccentric job. (10 hrs)
74. Finish different types of jobs using jigs and fixtures, angle plates by grinding. (15 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 22
Reference Learning Outcome :-Set up cylindrical grinder for automatic movement to perform different cylindrical grinding operation using different machine accessories and check accuracy [Different cylindrical grinding:- straight parallel, taper, bush eccentric; Different machine accessories: – steady rest, chuck face plate, angle plate and check accuracy limit ±0.02 mm] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 200 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 30 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Internal grinding operational steps in internal grinding of a job precautions to be taken.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
75. Perform grinding of job by using face plate angle plate etc. (25 hrs,)
WEEK. NO. 23
Reference Learning Outcome :-Set up cylindrical grinder for automatic movement to perform different cylindrical grinding operation using different machine accessories and check accuracy [Different cylindrical grinding:- straight parallel, taper, bush eccentric; Different machine accessories: – steady rest, chuck face plate, angle plate and check accuracy limit ±0.02 mm] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 200 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 30 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Rough and finish grinding limit fit and tolerances as per ISI: 919-1963.
Basic size and its deviation, position of tolerances as per ISI: 919-1963.
Basic size and its deviation, position of tolerance zones with respect of zero line.
Fits different types clearance, interference and transition.
Interchangeable system.
Letter symbols for holes and shaft and fundamental deviation hole basis and shaft basis system.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
76. Finish surfaces of bushes on mandrel within ±0.02 mm by grinding. (25 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 24
Reference Learning Outcome :- Perform dry & wet grinding to make different shaped job of various metals and check accuracy. [Different shaped job: – square block angle plate, angular block; various metal: – cast iron, steel & accuracy limit ±0.02 mm.] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 40 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Heat generated in grinding dry and wet grinding use of coolant, their composition and selection.
Characteristic of coolant.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
77. Perform dry and wet grinding of different classes of metals such as cast iron, brazed carbide tip and different classes of steel. (22 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 25
Reference Learning Outcome :- Perform dry & wet grinding to make different shaped job of various metals and check accuracy. [Different shaped job: – square block angle plate, angular block; various metal: – cast iron, steel & accuracy limit ±0.02 mm.] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 40 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 10 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Grinding a square job grinding angular surface taker grinding by stane land taper and angle protractor.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
78. Grind square block within accuracy ±0.02mm. (06 hrs)
79. Grind angle plate within accuracy ±0.02mm (06 hrs)
80. Grind angular block within accuracy ±0.02mm. (06 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 26
Reference Learning Outcome :- Make a component by performing bore grinding and check accuracy by telescopic gauge. [Accuracy limit ±0.02 mm.] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 05 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Grinding defects vibration, chattering, glazing and loading their causes and remedies.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
81. Perform bore grinding within accuracy ±0.02mm. (13 hrs)
82. Use of Telescopic gauge for checking of bore. (12 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 27
Reference Learning Outcome :-Perform operations on tools & cutter grinder and re-sharpening different tools on pedestal grinder. [Different tools: – lathe tools, drill, tool bit] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 25 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 05 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Tool and cutter grinding machine-parts and accessories, description use, care and maintenance, pedestal grinder and bench grinder-their description and uses.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
83. Perform operation on tools and cutter grinding machine. (09 hrs)
84. Manipulate and control tools and cutter grinding machine (05 hrs)
85. Mount jobs on mandrel in tools and cutter grinding machine. (02 hrs)
86. Mount wheel and guards on pedestal grinder. (02 hrs)
87. Sharpen lathe tools on pedestal grinder. (02 hrs)
88. Sharpen drill, tool-bit on pedestal grinder. (05 hrs)
WEEK. NO. 28
Reference Learning Outcome :-Make components having angular and straight surface and check accuracy with different gauges and instruments. [Different components: – V’ block, parallel bar, drill point angle; Different gauges: – sine bar, slip gauge & DTI (dial test indicator) and accuracy limit ±0.02 mm.] (Mapped NOS: CSC/N0109)
Duration :- Professional Skill 100 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 16 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Use of snap gauges, sine bar and slip gauges their description and uses.
Polishing, lapping powder and emery clothes lapping flat surface.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
89. Check tapered or angular jobs with help of sine bar, slip gauges and dial gauge. (23 hrs)