WEEK. NO. 10

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Recognize different types of Transistors and use it as Amplifiers in electronic circuit. (NOS: SSC/N9413)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 40  Hrs; Professional Knowledge 14  Hrs  (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Working principle of PNP, Bipolar transistors.
    • Types of transistors and applications.
    • Leads of transistors and their identification.
    • Forward and reverse bias of transistor Junction.
    • General values of junction resistances.
    • Quick testing a transistor-using Multimeter.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • Transistor and Amplifiers
  • 39. Identify types of transistors based on their physical appearance. Identify the leads of the given assorted types of transistors. (10 hrs)
  • 40. Quick test given transistors using Multimeter. Identify opens, shorted junctions. (10 hrs)

WEEK. NO. 11

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Recognize different types of Transistors and use it as Amplifiers in electronic circuit. (NOS: SSC/N9413)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 40  Hrs; Professional Knowledge 14  Hrs  (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Transistor configuration – CB, CE, CC, alpha, beta.
    • Types of Biasing of transistor amplifiers, comparison and applications.
    • Thermal runaway.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 41. Wire and find the gain of amplifiers in – CB, CE, CC configurations. (20 hrs)

WEEK. NO.  12

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Construct and test of an application circuit using different types of Semiconductors. (NOS: SSC/N9414)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 06  Hrs; Professional Knowledge 06  Hrs  (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Field effect transistors, types, working principle, applications.
    • Working principle and application of UJT.
    • Working principle and application of SCR.
    • Working principle and application of TRIAC.
    • Working principle and application of DIAC.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • Special Semiconductors- FET
  • 42. Construct and test a JFET amplifier. (01 hrs)
  • 43. Construct and test a MosFET application circuit. (01hrs)
  • 44. Construct and test a relaxation oscillator using UJT. (01hrs)
  • 45. Construct and test an application circuit using SCR. (01hrs)
  • 46. Construct and test an application circuit using DIAC. (01hrs)
  • 47. Construct and test an application circuit using TRIAC. (01hrs)
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