
321 . . Using words through speaking or writing to share information, thoughts or ideas is called……..
A. ) non-verbal communication
B.) feedback
C.) verbal communication
D.) gesture

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322 . Which one is NOT a Verbal communication?
A. ) Job application
B.) Formal letters
C.) Informal letters
D.) Attending interview

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323 . The crucial step that all face while starting their career is….
A. ) feeling happy
B.) facing an interview
C.) going on a tour
D.) relaxing

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324 . An employee comes late to office every day. He is not…….
A. ) punctual
B.) silent
C.) confident
D.) clean

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325 . . Customers generally————–when they have good experience
A. ) switch to competitor
B.) do not recommend it to friends
C.) purchase more
D.) never come back

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326 . You feel uncomfortable when you find people————– in public place
A. ) reading books
B.) practicing yoga
C.) laughing loudly
D.) walking

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327 . Workplace etiquette means to……
A. ) treat everyone with courtesy and respect
B.) gossiping and talking loudly
C.) not to speak any one
D.) leave the workplace frequently

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328 . What protect hands from cuts, burns or harmful liquids?
A. ) Goggles
B.) Gloves
C.) boots
D.) Helmets

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329 . Mock interviews help candidates
A. ) become nervous
B.) over confident
C.) enthusiastic
D.) rehearse how to perform in an interview

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330 . When you send your resume through email, you are sending it as…..
A. ) marked text
B.) copy
C.) attachment
D.) cookies

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331 . When we speak to people in our workplace, we need to……
A. ) use harsh words
B.) speak loudly
C.) show respect in our words
D.) unmindful of our language

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332 . Which method is the most effective way of communication in workplace?
A. ) verbal
B.) non verbal
C.) whatsapp
D.) email

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333 . Which one is a search engine?
A. ) Flicker
B.) Hotmail
C.) Google
D.) Facebook

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334 . Which one is a “Do’s” of discussion etiquettes?
A. ) Loose your temper
B.) Listen to others
C.) Talk about irrelevant details
D.) use impolite or rude language

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335 . Which tool in MS Office is used for preparation of presentations?
A. ) MS Word
B.) MS Power Point
C.) MS Excel
D.) MS Access

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336 . What is the command to invoke power point from command line?
A. ) Power print
B.) Power
C.) Point
D.) MS ppt

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337 . What is the default extension for a presentation prepared in Power- point in MS Office version 2010?
A. ) .ppt
B.) .doc
C.) .xls
D.) .pptx

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338 . What is transition in Power point presentations?
A. ) time taken to appear objects
B.) The movement of objects in the slide
C.) The movement of slide one by one
D.) Time taken by the objects to change

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339 . Which menu helps automatic transition time to slides?
A. ) Transition -time
B.) Transition-preview
C.) Transition-slot
D.) Transition-rehearsal

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340 . What will not be displayed in the slide during presentation?
A. ) Slide heading
B.) Slide nos.
C.) Speaker’s Note
D.) Objects in the slide

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341 . Which key in the keyboard will end the slide show at any time?
A. ) Ctrl key
B.) Alt key
C.) Esc key
D.) Shift key

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342 . What is the shortcut key to create Power Point presentation?
A. ) Ctrl+C
B.) Ctrl+X
C.) Ctrl+V
D.) Ctrl+M

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343 . Which function key start the slide show?
A. ) F5
B.) F10
C.) F1
D.) F7

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344 . Which option helps you view the slides in the presentation mode?
A. ) Reading view
B.) Slide show view
C.) Slide sorter view
D.) Normal layout view

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345 . What is the full form of “KISS” in Power point presentation?
A. ) Keep Information Small and simple
B.) Keep Information short and simple
C.) Keep Information Skill Straight
D.) Keep Information Saved and Simple

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346 . PowerPoint NOT allow us to……..
A. ) combine text
B.) add graphics
C.) add multimedia content
D.) do calculation work

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347 . The conversion of computer data from one format to another is called………..
A. ) pastinng
B.) copying
C.) cutting
D.) conversion

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348 . Which one is the widely used file type to create typed documents?
A. ) ppt
B.) jpg
C.) doc
D.) xls

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349 . What is called a media presentation shared over the Internet?
A. ) Live media
B.) Live telecast
C.) Webcast
D.) seminar

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350 . What is the standard way in which computers connected wireless?
A. ) Wi-Fi

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