
151 . Official conversations are part of—————-
A. ) informal communication
B.) formal communication
C.) resumes
D.) families

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152 . Conversation between family members at home or casual conversation between employees is —————-
A. ) formal communication
B.) discussion
C.) none
D.) informal communication

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153 . Single strand communication, gossip, cluster and probability are examples of —————-
A. ) informal communication
B.) feedback
C.) formal communication
D.) burger feedback

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154 . Using words through speaking or writing to share information, thoughts or ideas is called —————-
A. ) non-verbal communication
B.) feedback
C.) verbal communication
D.) none

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155 . Good verbal communication —————-
A. ) helps to communicate clearly”
B.) confuses people
C.) is disrespectful
D.) is rude

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156 . When we write letters, emails, messages, etc., we are using
A. ) employability
B.) verbal communication
C.) non-verbal communication
D.) none

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157 . Communicating without words using only gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc., is called —————-”
A. ) feedback
B.) verbal communication
C.) interviews
D.) non-verbal communication

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158 . The ability to receive and accurately interpret messages in the communication process is called —————-
A. ) listening
B.) speaking
C.) reading
D.) writing

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159 . Good listening skills make workers —————-
A. ) productive
B.) irresponsible
C.) crazy
D.) inefficient

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160 . Listening to radio, television shows, etc., is an example of —————-
A. ) active listening
B.) non-verbal communication
C.) passive listening
D.) verbal communication

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161 . Paying attention to the speaker, not interrupting, taking time to understand before asking questions or responding is  —————-
A. ) passive listening
B.) lecturing
C.) active listening
D.) accepting

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162 . When society decides how we need to behave and forces it on us, it is called creating —————-
A. ) free society
B.) equality
C.) gender stereotypes
D.) enforcement

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163 . “Why do you need to study further? You need to be married soon.” This is an example of —————-A. ) gender stereotypes for girls”
B.) gender stereotypes for boys
C.) equality
D.) fair deal for girls

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164 . An important document to carry when attending an interview is
A. ) cover letter
B.) resume
C.) leave letter
D.) none

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165 . A —————- is a summary of your personal experience, skills and education history.
A. ) feedback
B.) letter
C.) resume
D.) story

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166 . The crucial step that all face while starting their careers is —————–
A. ) feeling happy
B.) facing an interview
C.) going on a tour
D.) relaxing

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167 . Proper communication with customers can help to ———–
A. ) retain customers
B.) have customers complain to friends
C.) switch to competitor
D.) search another shop

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168 . Customers generally —————- when they have a poor experience.
A. ) recommend to friends
B.) continue doing business with the company
C.) switch to a competitor
D.) bargain with the company

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169 . An employee comes late to the office every day. He is not —————–
A. ) silent
B.) punctual
C.) confident
D.) clean

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170 . When we speak to people in our workplace or people in authority, we need to—————-
A. ) speak harshly and unmindful of gender
B.) speak carefully and show respect in our choice of words
C.) speak carefully and use abusive language
D.) be rude and violent

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171 . The electronic form of formal written communication that can be sent through the internet to many people across the world is called —————-
A. ) email
B.) typing
C.) printing
D.) writing

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172 . The most effective way of formal communication is ———–
A. ) chatting
B.) tweeting
C.) typing
D.) email

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173 . CC in email means………… –.
A. ) chair copy
B.) child copy
C.) carbon copy
D.) chart copy

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174 . BCC in email means……………..–.
A. ) blind chair copy
B.) blind child copy
C.) blind chart copy
D.) blind carbon copy

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175 . When you send your resume through email, you are sending it as ———
A. ) driver
B.) attachment
C.) marked text
D.) cookie advertisement

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176 . When your classmate is giving suggestions on your performance, you are receiving —————-
A. ) customer interaction
B.) elevator pitch
C.) feedback
D.) an award

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177 . PowerPoint files have —————- extensions.
A. ) .doc
B.) .xls
C.) .jpg
D.) .pptx

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178 . Shortcut keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+S mean —————-
A. ) save, cut, copy
B.) cut, save, copy
C.) copy, paste, save
D.) cut, copy, save

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179 . Pressing Esc in PowerPoint can —————-
A. ) add a new slide
B.) start slide show
C.) end slide show
D.) create a new presentation

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180 . To create a new presentation, choose —————-
A. ) Ctrl+C
B.) Ctrl+V
C.) Ctrl+B
D.) Ctrl+N

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