21 . When you meet the instructor inside or outside the ITI, it is —————–
A. ) always formal
B.) always informal
C.) formal inside the ITI
D.) informal outside the ITI
22 . In the context of an interview —————- greetings is to be used.
A. ) formal
B.) informal
C.) friendly
D.) cordial
23 . When you make an enquiry at a bank, it is ——————
A. ) an informal
B.) a formal
C.) a friendly
D.) a casual
24 . During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is better to ——— than shake hands, and say Namaste than ———-
A. ) hug, wave hands
B.) wave hands, hug
C.) hold hands, hug
D.) none
25 . A good —————-helps to create a good first impression.
A. ) family
B.) friend
C.) self-introduction
D.) all of the above
26 . We may have to introduce colleagues, peers and superiors in —————- context.
A. ) self-introduction
B.) informal
C.) formal
D.) official
27 . A quick self-introduction is called —————-
A. ) elevation pitch
B.) elevator tone
C.) elevator pitch
D.) elevation tone
28 . When you attend a friend’s wedding with your father, you may have to introduce your father to your friend and your friend to your father. What kind of situation is it?
A. ) elevator pitch
B.) formal
C.) informal
D.) elevation tone
29 . As a customer sales executive in an electrical appliances showroom, your greetings and introduction of your instructor to your supervisor shall be —————-
A. ) descriptive
B.) formal
C.) informal
D.) elevator tone
30 . ——————— are persons with very good behaviour, achievements and lead as an example.
“A. ) customer service
B.) sales supervisors
C.) ITI instructors
D.) role models
31 . Role models—————- people to follow them.
A. ) elevate
B.) instruct
C.) inspire
D.) none
32 . Role models inspire people to follow them though they have —————- and have met .
A. ) elevation, failures
B.) strengths, failures
C.) weaknesses, failures
D.) elevation, successes
33 . Human beings are—————- by nature. It is the cultivation of—————- habits that makes one a better person.
A. ) perfect, good
B.) perfect, strength
C.) imperfect, good
D.) imperfect, weak
34 . The set of imperfections in a person is called —————–
A. ) strengths
B.) elevations
C.) imitations
D.) weaknesses
35 . Strengths of role models get —————- while weaknesses get —————-
A. ) noticed, unnoticed
B.) elevator, noticed
C.) unnoticed, noticed
D.) none
36 . While we are at home or with friends, we use ——— —- verbal communication.”
A. ) influence
B.) informal
C.) formal
D.) none
37 . When we greet our superiors, managers and boss we greet them —————-
A. ) informally
B.) casually
C.) formally
D.) indifferently
38 . Spoken communication is not only —————-but also —————-
A. ) verbal, non-verbal
B.) speaking, writing
C.) speaking, formal
D.) writing, informal
39 . What we communicate without words, but with body language is an example of ———————-
A. ) verbal communication
B.) formal communication
C.) informal communication
D.) non-verbal communication
40 . Working with others to find a mutually agreeable solution is called —————-
A. ) persuasion
B.) communication
C.) negotiation
D.) assertion