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WEEK. NO. 27
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan and Interface the LCD, LED, DPM panels to various circuits and evaluate performance. (Mapped NOS: ELE/N8107)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 35 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 05 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Different types of seven segment displays, decoders and driver ICs.
- Concept of multiplexing and its advantages.
- Block diagrams of 7106 and 7107 and their configuration for different measurements.
- Use of DPM with seven segment display.
- Principles of working of LCD.
- Different sizes of LCDs.
- Decoder/ driver ICs used with LCDs and their pin diagrams.
- Use of DPM with LCD to display different voltage & current signals.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- Digital panel Meter
- 205. Identify LED Display module and its decoder/driver ICs. (05 Hrs.)
- 206. Display a word on a two line LED. (06 Hrs.)
- 207. Measure/current flowing through a resistor and display it on LED Module. (06 Hrs.)
- 208. Measure/current flowing through a sensor and display it on a LED module (DPM). (06 Hrs.)
- 209. Identify LCD Display module and its decoder/driver ICs. (06 Hrs.)
- 210. Measure/current flowing through a resistor and display it. (06 Hrs.)
WEEK. NO. 28, 29 & 30
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Detect the faults and troubleshoot SMPS, UPS and inverter. (Mapped NOS:ELE/N7202)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 120 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 40 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Concept and block diagram of manual, automatic and servo voltage stabilizer, o/p voltage adjustment.
- Voltage cut-off systems, relays used in stabilizer.
- Block Diagram of different types of Switch mode power supplies and their working principles.
- Inverter; principle of operation, block diagram, power rating, change over period.
- Installation of inverters, protection circuits used in inverters.
- Battery level, overload, over charging etc.
- Various faults and its rectification in inverter.
- Block diagram of DC-DC converters and their working principals.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- SMPS and Inverter
- 211. Identify the components/devices and draw their corresponding symbols. (03 Hrs.)
- 212. Dismantle the given stabilizer and find major sections/ ICs components. (06 Hrs.)
- 213. List the defect and symptom in the faulty SMPS. (05 Hrs.)
- 214. Measure / Monitor major test points of computer SMPS. (07 Hrs.)
- 215. Troubleshoot the fault in the given SMPS unit. Rectify the defect and verify the output with load. Record your procedure followed for trouble shooting the defects. (08 Hrs.)
- 216. Use SMPS used in TVs and PCs for Practice. (05 Hrs.)
- 217. Install and test the SMPS in PC. (05 Hrs.)
- 218. Install and test an inverter. (05 Hrs.)
- 219. Troubleshoot the fault in the given inverter unit. Rectify the defects and verify the output with load. (08 Hrs.)
- 220. Construct and test IC Based DC-DC converter for different voltages. (08 Hrs.)
- 221. Construct and test a switching step down regulator using LM2576. (08 Hrs.)
- 222. Construct and test a switching step up regulator using MC 34063. (08 Hrs.)
WEEK. NO. 31 & 32
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Detect the faults and troubleshoot SMPS, UPS and inverter. (Mapped NOS:ELE/N7202)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 120 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 40 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Concept of Uninterrupted power supply.
- Difference between Inverters and UPS.
- Basic block diagram of UPS & operating principle.
- Types of UPS : Off line UPS, On line UPS, Line interactive UPS & their comparison
- UPS specifications. Load power factor & types of indications & protections
- Installation of single phase & UPS.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 223. Connect battery stack to the UPS. (07 Hrs.)
- 224. Identify front panel control & indicators of UPS. (05 Hrs.)
- 225. Connect Battery & load to UPS & test on battery mode. (06 Hrs.)
- 226. Open top cover of a UPS; identify its isolator transformers, the UPS transformer and various circuit boards in UPS. (08 Hrs.)
- 227. Identify the various test point and verify the voltages on these. (05 Hrs.)
- 228. Identify various circuit boards in UPS and monitor voltages at various test points. (05 Hrs.)
- 229. Perform load test to measure backup time. (08 Hrs.)
WEEK. NO. 33
- Reference Learning Outcome :- Identify, Test and verify characteristics of Photovoltaic cells, Modules, Batteries and Charge controllers. Install a solar panel, execute testing and evaluate performance by connecting the panel to the inverter. (Mapped NOS: ELE/N5902)
- Duration :- Professional Skill 60 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 15 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Semiconductor properties and types. P-type and N-type semiconductors, PN junction, etc.
- Conversion of solar radiation to electricity.
- Main materials used to develop solar cells (Silicon, Cadmium tellurides, etc.)
- Light sensitive properties of PN junction.
- Difference of photo electric and photo voltaic effects of a PN junction.
- PV cell characteristics, I–V curve, effects of temperature.
- Photovoltaic effect.
- Photo voltaic module: minimal functional specification, cells per module, max watts per module, maximum voltage at max power, maximum current at max power.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 1. Identify and Test an LED and a Photodiode to verify the photo emitting effect and light sensitivity. (04 hrs)
- 2. Test a Photo voltaic cell for different illumination levels and verify photovoltaic property. (04 hrs)
- 3. Plot I-V curve for photovoltaic cell based on the illumination at constant temperature. (04hrs)
- 4. Plot I-V curve for photovoltaic cell based on temperature at constant illumination. (04 hrs)
- 5. Test photovoltaic cell in sunlight at various angles of inclination and direction. (04 hrs)
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