WEEK. NO. 28

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Select the appropriate opto electronics components and verify the characteristics in different circuit. (Mapped NOS: ELE/N6102)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 50 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 06 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Working and application of LED, IR LEDs, Photo diode, photo transistor, their characteristics and applications.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • Opto Electronics
  • 103. Test LEDs with DC supply and measure voltage drop and current using multimeter. (11 Hrs.)
  • 104. Construct a circuit to test photo voltaic cell. (13 Hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 29

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Select the appropriate opto electronics components and verify the characteristics in different circuit. (Mapped NOS: ELE/N6102)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 50 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 06 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Optical sensor, opto-couplers, circuits with opto isolators.
    • Characteristics of LASER diodes.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 105. Construct a circuit to switch a lamp load using photo diode. (13 Hrs.)
  • 106. Construct a circuit to switch a lamp load using photo transistor. (13 Hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 30

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Assemble, test and troubleshoot various digital circuits. (Mapped NOS: ELE/N1201)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 80 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 15 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Introduction to Digital Electronics.
    • Difference between analog and digital signals.
    • Number systems (Decimal, binary, octal, Hexadecimal).
    • BCD code, ASCII code and code conversions.
    • Various Logic Gates and their truth tables.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • Basic Gates
  • 107. Verify the truth tables of all Logic Gate ICs by connecting switches and LEDs. (05 Hrs.)
  • 108. Construct and verify the truth table of all the gates using NAND and NOR gates. (05 Hrs.)
  • 109. Use digital IC tester to test the various digital ICs (TTL and CMOS). (05 Hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 31 & 32

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Assemble, test and troubleshoot various digital circuits. (Mapped NOS: ELE/N1201)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 80 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 15 Hrs. (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Combinational logic circuits such as Half Adder, Full adder, Parallel Binary adders, 2-bit and four bit full adders.
    • Magnitude comparators.
    • Half adder, full adder ICs and their applications for implementing arithmetic  operations.
    • Concept of encoder and decoder. Basic Binary Decoder and four bit binary decoders.
    • Need for multiplexing of data.
    • 1:4 line Multiplexer / De-multiplexer.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • Combinational Circuits
  • 110. Construct Half Adder circuit using ICs and verify the truth table. (07 Hrs.)
  • 111. Construct Full adder with two Half adder circuit using ICs and verify the truth table.(07 Hrs.)
  • 112. Construct the adder cum subtractor circuit and verify the result. (07 Hrs.)
  • 113. Construct and Test a 2 to 4 Decoder. (07 Hrs.)
  • 114. Construct and Test a 4 to 2 Encoder. (07 Hrs.)
  • 115. Construct and Test a 4 to 1 Multiplexer. (05 Hrs.)
  • 116. Construct and Test a 1 to 4 De Multiplexer. (05 Hrs.)
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