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WEEK. NO. 23
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Assemble simple electronic circuits and test for functioning.
- Duration :- Professional Skill 99 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 31 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Principle of operation, types, characteristics and various configuration of transistor.
- Application of transistor as a switch, voltage regulator and amplifier. (
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 156. Check transistors for their functioning by identifying its type and terminals. (10 Hrs.)
- 157. Bias the transistor and determine its characteristics. (05Hrs.)
- 158. Use transistor as an electronic switch and series voltage regulator. (05Hrs.)
WEEK. NO. 24, 25 & 26
- Reference Learning Outcome :-Assemble simple electronic circuits and test for functioning.
- Duration :- Professional Skill 99 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 31 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
- Basic concept of power electronics devices.
- IC voltage regulators
- Digital Electronics – Binary numbers, logic gates and combinational circuits.
- Working principle and uses of oscilloscope.
- Construction and working of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC and IGBT.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
- 159. Operate and set the required frequency using function generator. (05Hrs.)
- 160. Make a printed circuit board for power supply. (09 Hrs.)
- 161. Construct simple circuits containing UJT for triggering and FET as an amplifier. (05 Hrs.)
- 162. Troubleshoot defects in simple power supplies. (09 Hrs.)
- 163. Construct power control circuit by SCR, Diac, Triac and IGBT. (12 Hrs.)
- 164. Construct variable DC stabilized power supply using IC. (08 Hrs.)
- 165. Practice on various logics by use of logic gates and circuits. (05 Hrs.)
- 166. Generate and demonstrate wave shapes for voltage and current of rectifier, single stage amplifier and oscillator using CRO. (05 Hrs.)
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