WEEK. NO. 18  & 19

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan, execute testing, evaluate performance and carry out maintenance of Alternator / MG set. Execute parallel operation of alternators.
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 75 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 22 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Principle of alternator, e.m.f. equation, relation between poles, speed and frequency.
    • Types and construction.
    • Efficiency, characteristics, regulation, phase sequence and parallel operation.
    • Effect of changing the field excitation and power factor correction.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 143. Install an alternator, identify parts and terminals of alternator. (5 Hrs.)
  • 144. Test for continuity and insulation resistance of alternator. (5 Hrs.)
  • 145. Connect, start and run an alternator and build up the voltage. (5 Hrs.)
  • 146. Determine the load performance and voltage regulation of three phase alternator. (5 Hrs.)
  • 147. Parallel operation and synchronization of three phase alternators. (15 Hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 20  

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan, execute testing, evaluate performance and carry out maintenance of Alternator / MG set. Execute parallel operation of alternators.
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 75 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 22 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Working principle of synchronous motor.
    • Effect of change of excitation and load.
    • V and anti V curve.
    • Power factor improvement.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 148. Install a synchronous motor, identify its parts and terminals. (10 Hrs.)
  • 149. Connect, start and plot V-curves for synchronous motor under different excitation and load conditions. (10 Hrs.)

WEEK. NO.   21

    1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Plan, execute testing, evaluate performance and carry out maintenance of Alternator / MG set. Execute parallel operation of alternators.
    2. Duration :- Professional Skill 75 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 22 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Rotary Converter, MG Set description and Maintenance.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 150. Identify parts and terminals of MG set. (5 Hrs.)
  • 151. Start and load MG set with 3 phase induction motor coupled to DC shunt generator. (15 Hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 22 

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :-Assemble simple electronic circuits and test for functioning.
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 99 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 31 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Resistors – colour code, types and characteristics.
    • Active and passive components.
    • Atomic structure and semiconductor theory.
    • P-N junction, classification, specifications, biasing and characteristics of diodes.
    • Rectifier circuit – half wave, full wave, bridge rectifiers and filters.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 152. Determine the value of resistance by colour code and identify types. (03 Hrs.)
  • 153. Test active and passive electronic components and its applications. (05 Hrs.)
  • 154. Determine V-I characteristics of semiconductor diode. (05 Hrs.)
  • 155. Construct half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers using semiconductor diode. (08 Hrs.)
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