WEEK. NO. 06  & 07

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Prepare electrical wire joints, carry out soldering, crimping and measure insulation resistance of underground cable. (Mapped NOS: PSS/N0108)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 9 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 20  Hrs  (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Underground cables: Description, types, various joints and testing procedure.
    • Cable insulation & voltage grades
    • Precautions in using various types of cables.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 23. Identify various parts, skinning and dressing of underground cable. (10Hrs.)
  • 24. Make straight joint of different types of underground cable. (10Hrs.)
  • 25. Test insulation resistance of underground cable using megger. (06 hrs.)
  • 26. Test underground cables for faults and remove the fault. (10Hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 08

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Verify characteristics of electrical and magnetic circuits. (Mapped NOS: PSS/N6001, PSS/N6003)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 160 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 36  Hrs  (for above learning out come)
  1. TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
      • Ohm’s Law; Simple electrical circuits and problems.
      • Kirchoff’s Laws and applications.
    TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
    • 27. Practice on measurement of parameters in combinational electrical circuit by applying Ohm’s Law for different resistor values and voltage sources and analyse by drawing graphs. (08 Hrs.)
    • 28. Measure current and voltage in electrical circuits to verify Kirchhoff’s Law (08Hrs.)
    • 29. Verify laws of series and parallel circuits with voltage source in different combinations. (05Hrs.)
    • 30. Measure voltage and current against individual resistance in electrical circuit (05hrs.)

WEEK. NO. 09  

  1. Reference Learning Outcome :- Verify characteristics of electrical and magnetic circuits. (Mapped NOS: PSS/N6001, PSS/N6003)
  2. Duration :- Professional Skill 160 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 36  Hrs  (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :- 
    • Series and parallel circuits.
    • Open and short circuits in series and parallel networks.
    • Laws of Resistance and various types of resistors.
    • Wheatstone bridge; principle and its applications.
    • Effect of variation of temperature on resistance.
    • Different methods of measuring the values of resistance.
    • Series and parallel combinations of resistors.
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills  With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
  • 31. Measure current and voltage and analyse the effects of shorts and opens in series circuit. (05 Hrs.)
  • 32. Measure current and voltage and analyse the effects of shorts and opens in parallel circuit. (05 Hrs.)
  • 33. Measure resistance using voltage drop method. (03Hrs.)
  • 34. Measure resistance using wheatstone bridge. (02 Hrs.)
  • 35. Determine the thermal effect of electric current. (03Hrs.)
  • 36. Determine the change in resistance due to temperature. (02Hrs.)
  • 37. Verify the characteristics of series parallel combination of resistors. (03Hrs.)
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