Reference Learning Outcome :- Draw different types of stone and brick masonry. (Mapped NOS: IES /N9407)
Duration :- Professional Skill 56 Hrs; Professional Knowledge 12 Hrs (for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Protective materials:-
Paints:- characteristic, types, uses.
Varnishes :– characteristics and uses.
Metal:– characteristic, types, uses.
Plastics :– characteristic, types, uses. Building Construction:-
Sequence of construction of a building.
Name of different parts of building.
Stone masonry:-
Terms, use and classification.
Principle of construction, composite masonry.
Strength of walls.
Strength of masonry.
Brick masonry – principles of construction of bonds. Tools and equipments used.
(12 hrs.)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
23. Draw Details of stone masonryincluding stone joints. (26hrs)
24. Drawing of :-Different types of brick bondingShowing arrangement of bricks in different layers as per thickness of wall, pillars, copying, etc. (30hrs).
WEEK. NO. 11 & 12
Reference Learning Outcome :-Draw different types of shallow and deep foundation. (Mapped NOS: IES /N9408)
Duration :- Professional Skill 56 Hrs.; Professional Knowledge 18 Hrs.(for above learning out come)
TRADE THEORY (Professional Knowledge ) :-
Building Construction:-Foundation:-
Purpose of foundation
Causes of failure of foundation
Bearing capacity of soils
Dead and live loads
Examination of ground
Types of foundation
Drawing of footing foundation setting out of building on ground excavation Simple machine foundation
(18 hrs.)
TRADE PRACTICAL (Professional Skills With Indicative Hours) :- Job no. & Name of the Practical
Drawing of Foundation:- Drawing of different types of foundation – Shallow :-